Recent Joint Papers

P. Raussi, J. Kamsamrong, A. Paspatis, K. Heussen, T. A. Zerihun, E. Widl, F. P. Andrén, J. H. Kazmi, T. I. Strasser, F. Castro, and L. Pellegrino, “Energy systems test case discovery enabled by test case profile and repository,” in 2023 Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES). IEEE, Mar. 2023, p. 1–6.

P. Leitão, S. Karnouskos, T. I. Strasser, X. Jia, J. Lee, and A. W. Colombo, “Alignment of the ieee industrial agents recommended practice standard with the reference architectures rami4.0, iira, and sgam,” IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, vol. 4, p. 98–111, 2023.

P. Leitao, T. I. Strasser, S. Karnouskos, L. Ribeiro, J. Barbosa, and V. Huang, “Recommendation of best practices for industrial agent systems based on the ieee 2660.1 standard,” in 2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). IEEE, Mar. 2021, p. 1157–1162.

A. Benigni, T. Strasser, G. De Carne, M. Liserre, M. Cupelli, and A. Monti, “Real-time simulation-based testing of modern energy systems: A review and discussion,” IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 28–39, Jun. 2020.

C. Gavriluta, G. Lauss, T. I. Strasser, J. Montoya, R. Brandl, and P. Kotsampopoulos, “Asynchronous integration of real-time simulators for hil-based validation of smart grids,” in IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, Oct. 2019, p. 6425–6431.

T. Strasser, P. Siano, and Y. Ding, “Methods and systems for a smart energy city,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 2, p. 1363–1367, Feb. 2019.

S. Karnouskos, R. Sinha, P. Leitao, L. Ribeiro, and T. I. Strasser, “The applicability of iso/iec 25023 measures to the integration of agents and automation systems,” in IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, Oct. 2018, p. 2927–2934.

P. Leitao, S. Karnouskos, L. Ribeiro, P. Moutis, J. Barbosa, and T. I. Strasser, “Integration patterns for interfacing software agents with industrial automation systems,” in IECON 2018 - 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, Oct. 2018, p. 2908–2913.

S. Karnouskos, R. Sinha, P. Leitao, L. Ribeiro, and T. I. Strasser, “Assessing the integration of software agents and industrial automation systems with iso/iec 25010,” in 2018 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). IEEE, Jul. 2018, p. 61–66.